
We at LEMONADE have one goal. Giving Freelance Hairdressers the very best future.

We call our Freelancers ‘Pips’. Why Pips? Without Pips you cant have Lemons. A Lemon is made up of lots of Pips and they are the foundation of every Lemon. Just like the Hairdressing industry. Its people like YOU that makeup the industry.

Want to expand your business?

Want to save for a family holiday of a lifetime?

We at Lemonade want to help make your dreams a reality so by cutting your costs of supplies, this is the best place to start.



Mental health is always at the forefront of our mind at Lemonade.

We have created a huge support network to help freelancers overcome the stresses from day to day life, to more pressing mental health issues.

If you are struggling to make ends meet, get in touch with us for a chat where we will help and advise you to get back on track!

Email us at and one of our team will schedule in a call with you.

You are not in this alone.

We are here to support you in every aspect, both professionally and personally.


Hey all. Let me introduce myself. My name is Hayley, I'm the face behind 'The Hair Therapist'. I'm a freelance cutting specialist based in East London with 15 years experience. Here's my story on how I became freelance and a few tips that helped me grow my business 5 years ago.

I decided to quit my corporate salon job and start my own business. I was naive, young, and arrogant. I'd had enough working in corporate salons, I'd always feel stressed, and I couldn't be 'ME'. I thought the grass would be greener on the other side, opening up a business... but I was so wrong. Nearly a year in, I felt lost, stressed, and had no sense of direction. Maybe I was looking for instant gratification.

I then decided to take the 'safe route' and went back to working in corporate salons. But after a while, I started to feel unfulfilled and burnt out again. I made the decision to take some time for myself, and I quit my job. A part of me felt relieved but mostly scared. Luckily, I had the support of my husband and family. They encouraged me to consider starting up my business again.I thought to myself, if I was to do this...I would go all in. No looking back. This time, I decided to brush up on my technical skills, hire a business mentor, and brand myself properly.

Once I started up again, things were slowly picking up for me, and then I found out I was pregnant. I was happy but also anxious about what would happen to my business and the thought of losing my clients worried me. But had I learnt to embrace and let the universe take care of the rest. Fast forward today, I'm able to get back to growing my business that I love dearly and work on myself. I have a beautiful daughter who motivates me every day to be the best verson of myself.

Here are some tips that helped grow my business and kept me motivated:

1. Hire yourself a business coach / mentor. They have so much experience and knowledge of the industry, take advantage of that. They will hold you accountable.

2. Brush up on your skills set. Be willing and prepared to always learn new things to be the best in your field.

3. Be consistent. This is always a hard one but no matter what, its the small things you do that will get you closer to your goals.

4. Focus on you. Never compare your chapter 1 to someone else's chapter 20. Everyone is on their own paths!

5. Believe in yourself. Be your own cheerleader, never be hard on yourself if things don't go the way you wanted it to go. Learn from your mistakes and failures and always celebrate your goals (big or small).

I have written this article to maybe inspire others to never give up on their dreams, no matter what anyone tells you. Never give up on something you really want. Yes, it's difficult to wait, but it's more difficult to have regrets.

Take that risk that will bring out the best version of you.

We've got this!

